12 uses of coconut oil you might not have heard
Coconut oil is a good source of lots of vitamin and much more nutrient that if you knew might make you want to use it as a replacement for your normal vegetable oil these are some of the uses and benefits.
1. Boost the immune system of an unborn baby.
Click Here! Using Coconut oil as an expectant mother can help boost the immune system of the unborn baby which will help protect the fetus from all kinds of diseases tea spoon can also be used to ingest the oil.
2. Moisturizer
Adding some table spoons of coconut oil to bathing water can help moisturize your skin.everal tablespoons of coconut oil to bathwater for added moisturizing to your skin.
3. Help prevent stretch marks
Rubbing coconut oil on your skin daily can prevent stretch marks and prevent the itching that is associated with pregnancy.
4. Help with heartburn, indigestion
Coconut oil also helps to prevent heart burn or indigestion, it should be ingested when experiencing heart burn or indigestion.
5. Heal cracked nipples
Some women tend to experience cracks on their nipple when breast feeding, rubbing Coconut oil on the sore will soften and sooth it.
6. Deal with nappy rash.
Just rub some coconut oil on your baby's buttock to help keep skin soft and free from rash.
7. Treatment for yeast infection Click Here!
Taking Coconut oil internally and topically can help treat the yeast that causes both thrush and Candida. A little oil dabbed inside the baby’s mouth, as well as mom eating it and applying it to her nipples before breastfeeding is very effective.
8. Reduce the risk of tearing during labour
Applying coconut oil daily to the perineum in the weeks leading up to labor, can help reduce tearing during delivery and the need for an episiotomy.
9. Use as hair conditioner
Applying Coconut oil to your hair daily will keep your hair healthy and tangle-free and smelling good.
10. Use as make-up remover
Using coconut oil to remove make-up makes even the most water proof make-up to come off easily.
11. Shaving cream.
Coconut oil is perfect as an alternative to shaving cream, the oil’s ability to soften skin makes shaving easy and being a natural product doesn’t have issue with people with sensitive skin.
12. Good for oil pulling
Just take a spoonful of raw coconut oil and swish it around your mouth for about twenty minutes. Do not swallow the oil, and keep a cup handy for spitting. It helps to remove the germs and bacteria in the mouth it also helps with toothache.