Ovulation period

We are going to describe how to calculate the fertility window to aid or avoid conception.
The menstrual cycle
The period of ovulation is determined by menstrual circle, the average person menstruates between 28 and 32 days circle. The day the menstruation starts is the first day of the circle then the period last from 3 to 7 days since ovulation is the release of eggs from the ovaries the eggs that are released move to the Fallopian tube where it stays for about 24 hours. If sperm comes into the Fallopian tube and fertilizes any of the eggs then pregnancy occurs and if it doesn’t the egg moves to the uterus and breaks down ready to for discharge during the next menstruation According to research ovulation takes place around 14 days before a woman is expects to have their next period if their monthly cycle is 28 days.

The part of the circle around the ovulation period is called the fertility period because the chance of a woman getting pregnant at this period is high.
Since sperm can last up to 5 days inside a woman’s body, a woman can still take in if she had sex three to four days to her ovulation period for those that want to avoid pregnancy sex should be avoided days to the ovulation period and for those that need it sex should be within that period.
Tracking the signs of ovulation can help someone determine the precise day they ovulate each month. More of the signs are mild cramping in the lower abdomen
wetter, clearer, and more slippery vaginal discharge similar to egg white
a small increase in basal body temperature
a higher sex drive
Some of these signs, such as basal body temperature, will continue to change after ovulation has occurred. For this reason, a person should not use temperature to predict the fertile period.
Tracking the signs for some months can help a woman determine the exact fertility period and what is normal for their body. Bear in mind that there are variables in ovulation period.
Another option is to use an ovulation predictor kit or fertility monitor.