5 benefits of drinking warm lemon water in morning
Lemon is a rich source of Vitamin C and many other nutrients. This fruit is full of health benefits and also helps to removes the blemishes from skin and cures the skin from many other damages.
These are some of the benefits of drinking worm lemon water in the morning.

Boost Your Immunity: Lemons contain
high amounts of vitamin C, which can protect the body from illnesses. Vitamin C
helps to produce white blood cell in order to protect your immune system. When
you build up your immunity level, it will not be easy for your body to contact
certain illnesses.
Detox your liver: lemons naturally
contain acids that help to remove harmful bacteria from the digestive system.
The liver helps to filter unwanted organisms in our body, lemon juice helps the liver to flush out toxins that the liver is flushing out. One way to reset your system is by adding lemon juice to worm water and drinking every morning.
The liver helps to filter unwanted organisms in our body, lemon juice helps the liver to flush out toxins that the liver is flushing out. One way to reset your system is by adding lemon juice to worm water and drinking every morning.
Boost your energy: Lemon juice
naturally speeds up the metabolism, causing an instant energy jolt to the body.
It also cleanses out our systems more effectively. Other caffeinated stimulants
often dehydrate the body and can slow down the digestive tract. Lemon water
provides energy for our body. The warmth from the water is very soothing and
creates calmness within the body. The citrus flavor provides the bolt of
alertness and focus for you through the day. Lemons are a good source of
vitamin C, B6 potassium etc

Cleanse your digestion: Many people
tend to skip out on breakfast, which is supposed to be the most important meal
of the day. This can be due to fasting or lack of appetite upon waking up. If it
due to lack of appetite drinking a cup of warm lemon water first thing in the
morning, would cleans your system and get rid of any indigestion symptoms that
might have developed during the night.
Keeps you hydrated: you always
need water in your system, and drinking water when you are not thirsty could be
tiresome at time adding a little lemon in the water can make drinking water to
be quite interesting.
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